
Deploying RAD Server with Linux Docker

Earlier this week, I blogged about Getting Started with Delphi and Linux Docker Support, which covered the Docker scripts and ready-to-use Docker images on DockerHub that you can use to deploy Delphi Linux applications manually or via PAServer and the IDE. The main reason Embarcadero invested in Docker support is to aid in the deployment of RAD Server solutions. What is RAD Server? Embarcadero has…
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Access to the CodeRage 2019 Playlists

CodeRage 2019 is a big departure from how we did things online in the past, and seems to be continuing to generate some confusion, so this post is an effort to clarify things. Each week there is a different topic There are multiple short videos around that topic…

Master Detail data in RAD Server using TEMSDataSetResource

Master Detail data in RAD Server The TEMSDataSetResource is a very powerful component that enables rapid development of full document REST API’s for TDataSet using RAD Server. Using TEMSDataSetResource, along with traditional master detail relationship configurations, it is possible to expose, and automatically document data APIs via REST with no code at all. In this article, I will cover…
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Embedding Swagger UI into RAD Server

This post is an update to the original post written previously showing Swagger UI being used with RAD Server,covering new features of RAD Server. Why Embed Swagger UI into RAD Server? Swagger UI (as previously discussed) is a great option for checking your…

Week of 2nd of December 2019

What’s news for the week of the 2nd of December, 2019 at Embarcadero. PDF Slides This is the first of what I hope to be a semi-regular segment covering what’s new at Embarcadero and in the community. 10.3.3 Rio Released Released on Thursday the 21st of…

InterBase Temporary Tables

InterBase Temporary Tables This last week, InterBase 2020 has been released bringing the awesome Tablespaces feature into play. This new feature enables splitting the database into groups of tables (a Tablespace) that can then be put onto different physical disks (to aid performance) but also enables partial backup of a database. I plan to cover this new feature, and some useful ideas about how…
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InterBase 2020 Released by Embarcadero

Today, Embarcadero is announcing the release of a new version of its InterBase Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), called InterBase 2020.InterBase is a powerful, zero-administration, small-footprint database engine that can power your server and even run on…

FireMonkey & Multi-Device Design - CodeRage Series

This week for CodeRage 2019 we have a lot of great content for our FireMonkey Multi-Device Design series! One of the goals with changing the format this year was to get more people involved who didn’t have the time to create a full 45-minute video. Now I know from…

CodeRage 2019: All About Linux and Advanced FMX

This coming week we are focusing on Linux and Advanced FMX for CodeRage 2019. Register now and you will get access to the videos next week and the ability to submit your questions, and then join us on Thursday for the Q&A round table. The playlist and question form will come through as an update to the Go to Webinar listing, so check your email for that on Monday. Originally I was planning to…
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