
Learn to Program in Delphi - Introduction and Installation

Author: Pawe Gowacki This blog post is the beginning of the “Learn to Program in Delphi” series. My name is Paweł Głowacki and I have been using and teaching Delphi for the last 20 years. I love Delphi programming and I do it also in my spare time. I think you can call me a “Delphi Maniac”. Simultaneously with me David Millington, C++Builder Product Manager, is starting a…
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Delphi Boot Camp September 2016 Recap, Replays and Blog Posts

Delphi Boot Camp September 2016 Recap, Replays and Blog Posts We’ve completed the Delphi Boot Camp 2016. Thank you to the thousands of developers who attended each day. The Delphi Boot Camp introduces the Delphi IDE, Programming Language, FireMonkey framework, Game Application Development and Moving your Applications to Mobile. The replay videos are now available on YouTube. Below you…
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Using "reFind" tool to migrate BDE app to FireDAC with Delphi 10.1

Author: Pawe Gowacki Two weeks ago I was contributing to a bigger Delphi migration webinar run by mycolleagueStephen Ball the demonstration of actual steps of live migration of BDE-based source code to FireDAC. Migration of existing VCLprojects to the latest version of Delphiis the hot topic in Delphi community. Many migration tasks can be automated. Today at the Developer…
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Visual Arduino programming for kids and professionals using Visuino by Mitov Software - powered by Embarcadero Delphi

I am often by parents how they can get their kids interested in technology and programming in a fun and educational way. When I was a kid growing up I played with erector sets, built my own crystal radio, used my Edmund Scientific kit to create microscopes and telescopes.I used to show my Lego Mindstorms kit, my IMSAI 8080 computer that I build from a kit in 1974, my Arduino boards and now…
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