DatabaseDelphiTech Partner

Easy Access Development Using Winsoft's Adonis

Access (“MS-Access”) is a popular desktop database for Microsoft Windows. It ranks among the top-10 databases on DB-Engines, and widely used in many Fortune-500 companies. Vendors, such as Hallam-ICS and QNE (Malaysia, Philippines) create business applications that use back-end Microsoft Access. Winsoft Adonis is a component library for accessing databases which support the ADO programming…
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DelphiTech Partner

Easy And Powerful JetLua SDK for Delphi on Windows

JetLua™ is a Lua SDK for Delphi to allow easy integration for Lua scripting inside your Delphi application. Features Made with/supports latest Delphi versionOnly two minimal interfaces to access feature set (IJetLua & IJetLuaContext)You can auto register class/object JetLua routinesIf you have created an AutoSetup class function, it’s automatically called during registration…
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New Modern InstantSolutions for Delphi on Windows

Ethea has created a sophisticated application builder framework, which allows you to create quality software apps quickly with a user interface that can be customized and adapted to customer needs in easy and fast way. Delphi developers will find in InstantSolutions an effective and fast tool to quickly create Windows Client / Server applications, with a modern user interface and high-performance…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Ignore Changes with Custom Managed Records

Handling the OnChange event handler on a TEdit is great until you programmatically change the text and trigger your OnChange event handler again. It gets really fun if you have two TEdit boxes that update each other in their OnChange event handler. I was reading Automate Restorable Operations with Custom Managed Records by Erik van Bilsen over on Griggy’s Blog and I had a great idea 💡 to…
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