CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Quickly Share Data Between Datasets Using CloneCursor In This Native Windows Sample For Delphi

TheCloneCursorsample shows you how toclone a dataset. To this end, the sample uses theCloneCursormethod of theTFDDataSetclass. Moreover, the sample uses other methods to determine whether the current record is within a specified range. Location You can find theCloneCursorsample project at: Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio…
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Quick Introduction To FireDAC And Its Features For Building Robust Delphi/C++ Builder Database Applications.

FireDAC is a powerful, yet easy-to-use access layer that supports, abstracts, and simplifies data access, providing all the features needed to build real-world high-load applications. FireDAC provides a common API for accessing different database back-ends, without giving up access to unique database-specific features and without compromising on performance. Use FireDAC in Android, iOS, Windows…
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CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Learn How To Use FireDAC To Work With A Firebird Database In Delphi

TheFirebirdgetting started sample shows how to use FireDAC with Firebird databases. This sample allows the user to do: Temporaryconnection definitionat run time.Master-details relationship between datasets usingTFDQuery.Transactions handling withTFDTransaction.Management of Firebird database such as: managing users, creating database backup/restoring database…
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DatabaseRAD Studio

Newcomer's Perspective - FireDAC and SQLite

FireDAC is Embarcadero’s library for universal data access – connection to just about any database protocol you can find. It abstracts the protocol-level details and presents a common interface so developers can build their applications to be database agnostic and flexible in the event of future design changes. My work this week focused on FireDAC and local databases. SQLite is…
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