
VCL Per-Control Styles - New in RAD Studio 10.4

In the past, the VCL library allowed a developer to select one style (or no style) for the entire application. In 10.4 the VCL library allows you to use multiple VCL styles at the same time in different forms of your applications, or even different controls of the same form. You can also mix styles elements (controls and form) and elements using the Windows default platform theme. This feature…
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RAD Server: Mapping Web Properties to Folders

In my Embarcadero Academy RAD Server courses, “Using Delphi and RAD Server to Rapidly Design, Build, Debug, and Deploy Services-Based Solutions” and “Using C++Builder and RAD Server to Rapidly Design, Build, Debug, and Deploy Services-Based…

New C++Builder YouTube video series - "Rapid C++ Development: Combining C++Builder with MSVC++"

A new ten part YouTube video series,“Rapid C++ Development: Combining C++Builder with MSVC++” by Rob Swindell, covers some best practices for combining C++Builder with Microsoft Visual C++. In the video series Rob resents the following chapters: Chapter 0: Introduction and Overview Chapter 1: Object & Library Compatibilities Chapter 2: Creating Compatible…
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Get ready for the 10.4 Beta with Update Subscription

Update Subscription offers many benefits to our Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio customers. Besides key benefits such as access to updates, upgrades and technical support, we also invite our Update Subscription customers to participate in our beta program. Beta…

Happy birthday, C++Builder!

Recently, here at Embarcadero we’ve been celebrating a historic birthday, Delphi’s 25th birthday (Feb 14, 1995.) There have been some great blog posts, stories, andpeople sharing on twitter, not to mention an amazing Delphi 1 celebration websiteand an…

RAD Studio 10.3.3 Midas and Delphi Open Array patches

Two patches: anaccess violation in Midas, and an access violation in a rare case with a method taking an open array parameter We’vejust released two patches for RAD Studio 10.3.3. RAD Studio 10.3.3 Midas.dll Patch This patch resolves the following issue: An issue addressed by a previous hotfix (C++Builder 10.3.3 Threading and TLS Patch) affected Midas. The DLL has been…
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Celebrate Delphi's 25th Birthday in Style - New VCL Windows Theme: Zircon

In time for Delphi’s upcoming 25th birthday on February 14th, 2020, we have several new stylesavailable for download that are perfect for your modern Windows applications. Use the new Zircon Windows theme to give your existing or new VCL Windows applications a custom look and feel. How to download: The style is available for download in the “Styles” category…
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