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C++Builder 10.3.2 is now available!

The whole product team is very pleased to announce that RAD Studio, including C++Builder and Delphi, v 10.3.2 is now available. If you have an active update subscription, you can download it now:

There are some great improvements for C++ and the Delphi & C++Builder IDE:

C++17 for Windows 64-bit

 Leverage the latest C++ language features in apps built for both Win32 and Win64, with complete C++17 support for Windows

  • C++17 Clang-enhanced compiler and toolchain for Win64 (bcc64), meaning C++17 is available for both Win32 and Win64 targets
  • C++ runtime library (RTL) built with the updated Clang-enhanced compiler for Win64, including current edition of Dinkumware STL
  • Also includes support for C++14 and C++11
  • Boost library support for both Win32 and Win64 with Boost 1.68 available for both

C++ LSP Code Insight Improvements

Key productivity features in the IDE are now available for the modern Clang-enhanced compiler

  • C++Builder 10.3.2 offers full featured Code Insight support for C++ with the Clang-enhanced compiler, with many improvements to the code completion in 10.3 and 10.3.1
  • Adds new features such as Parameter Completion, Tooltip Insight and Go To Definition, providing feature parity between the classic and modern compilers
    • Significantly improves these features compared to the classic version by making them asynchronous and non-blocking 

IDE Improvements

A large number of quality improvements to the IDE, including bug fixes, style improvements, and performance. For example, changing layouts or changing themes takes a fraction of a second.

What’s New

We’ll have blog posts about all of these features going in-depth over the next few days. You can also ready Sarina’s 10.3.2 announcement for information on other new features in RAD Studio and Delphi.

On Wednesday July 24, we have a public webinar where you can learn more about 10.3.2, including demos of many of the features and a Q&A at the end. Join the webinar and see everything new and improved!

See What's New in 12.2 Athens See What's New in 12.3 Athens Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

David is an Australian developer, currently living in far-north Europe. He is the senior product manager for C++ at Idera, looking after C++Builder and Visual Assist.

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