We are very excited to announce the release of Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.3.2.
10.3 Rio Release 2 (also known as 10.3.2) builds on the feature set of 10.3 and 10.3.1 by adding new capabilities throughout the product. Delphi 10.3.2, C++Builder 10.3.2 and RAD Studio 10.3.2 are now available for any active Update Subscription customer.
With Release 2, developers can target the macOS App Store with 64-bit versions of their FireMonkey Delphi apps, leverage the latest language features with C++17 support for Windows 64-bit and become more productive in the IDE through enhanced C++ code completion tooling. Also new is the ability to create Delphi GUI applications for popular Linux distributions and a simplified RAD Server deployment process with new wizards, installers and tooling. Developers can also add push notification support to their Delphi and C++ Android applications with Firebase, the latest standard from Google.
The installers are available for download on the following registered users download pages:
RAD Studio: https://cc.embarcadero.com/reg/rad_studio
Delphi Rio: http://cc.embarcadero.com/reg/delphi
C++Builder Rio: http://cc.embarcadero.com/reg/c_builder
Key RAD Studio 10.3.2. Features:
macOS 64-bit application support for Delphi
Support the Mac App Store and prepare for the upcoming 64-bit-only version of macOS
- 10.3.2 adds a new Delphi compiler for the macOS 64-bit platform, based on the LLVM compiler infrastructure, with the same non-ARC model like all other Delphi desktop and server platforms we support – macOS, Windows and Linux
- Offers extensive RTL support including core file system access, platform integration, memory and threads management, HTTP and REST client libraries, the Parallel Programming Library, and more
- macOS 64-bit support includes complete support for the FireMonkey library and all FireMonkey controls previously available on the macOS 32-bit platform
- Also new in this release is InterBase support for Delphi macOS 64-bit.
- Also included in this release is macOS notarization support for submitting your Mac application to Apple for notarization.
- Easily recompile your existing macOS 32-bit application for 64-bit and target the App Store
C++17 for Windows 64-bit
Leverage the latest C++ language features in apps built for both Win32 and Win64, with complete C++17 support for Windows
- C++17 Clang-enhanced compiler and toolchain for Win64 (bcc64), meaning C++17 is available for both Win32 and Win64 targets
- C++ runtime library (RTL) built with the updated Clang-enhanced compiler for Win64, including current edition of Dinkumware STL
- Also includes support for C++14
- Boost library support for both Win32 and Win64
C++ LSP Code Insight Improvements
Key productivity features in the IDE are now available for the modern Clang-enhanced compiler
- C++Builder 10.3.2 offers full featured Code Insight support for C++ with the Clang-enhanced compiler
- Adds new features such as Parameter Completion, Tooltip Insight and Go To Definition, providing feature parity between the classic and modern compilers
- Significantly improves these features compared to the classic version by making them asynchronous and non-blocking
RAD Server Wizards and Deployment Improvements
Much easier configuration, deployment and management for RAD Server multi-tier
- Improvements to the RAD Server wizards for automatic FireDAC database mapping and API documentation, including smoother Swagger API documentation and support for Swagger-UI
- New RAD Server Management Console with configuration editor and integrated REST debugger for quickly executing a generic REST call against the server
- Simplified deployment process with installers for Linux and Windows servers
Android Push Notification Support with Firebase
Push notifications are a key feature for many apps – we now support the latest standards from Google
- FireBase push notification support for your FireMonkey 10.3.2 Android applications, replacing the deprecated Google Cloud Messaging
- Provided as part of our Android platform support
- Includes improvements to icons for all types of notifications
- Includes updates to Google Play Services and Maps to match Firebase version support requirements
FMX Linux for Delphi
Create Linux Desktop apps with FMX
- Easily build GUI applications for popular Linux distributions
- Extends Delphi’s FireMonkey cross-platform framework
- Includes several ready-to-use user interface styles
- Many of the FMX components, such as grids, widgets, etc. work seamlessly on Linux clients
- Leverage RAD Studio’s innovative features, such as Live Bindings, and much more, in your Linux client applications
- Available via GetIt for Enterprise and Architect Edition customers
Also included in 10.3.2 are around 400 quality improvements for customer reported issues.
Other useful links:
- Docs http://docs.embarcadero.com/products/rad_studio/
- Docwiki http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/10.3_Rio_-_Release_2
- Feature Matrix https://www.embarcadero.com/docs/rad-studio-feature-matrix.pdf
Looking to download a RAD Studio 10.3.2 Trial? Visit https://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/start-for-free
Looking to learn more about the 10.3.2 release? Join our webinar next week: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1262173778065437955
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