DatabaseDelphiTech Partner

This Is How To Use ADO And FireDAC With Databases

From this article, you will learn the difference between working with databases via the ADO technology and the FireDAC library. Using the right database technology is often a critical part of designing your apps, particularly for Windows application development where there is a very rich array of database choices, not all of which may be hosted on a Windows server. ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) is…
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CodeDelphiTech Partner

How To Use The DeepAI Service In Your Cross Platform Apps

Today AI technologies boast high popularity and demand in many spheres of our life. For example, AI is used for face identification on smartphones. On social networks, we have the possibility to add different effects on photos (AR, collages, etc.). AI tools allow users to identify different objects. They are used in video surveillance systems for identifying cars, people, animals, and all sorts of…
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