
FireMonkey on Linux!

Author: Pawe Gowacki It did not take long since the release of Delphi Linux compiler to have the ability to build Linux GUIs with Delphi! Just go to and get the only currently available download of FireMonkey for Linux which is “Free Trial v 0.905”. RAD Studio 10.2 “Tokyo” must be installed. Install the trial after making sure it is not running. It is…
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Why is Delphi for Linux Important?

Author: Todor Geshev I recently asked some of our MVPs why Delphi for Linux was important to them. This is what they had to say . . . “Delphi on Linux expands the Delphi World to large web servers, important for web services, and to small micro servers that can be used…

What is RAD Server and How You Can Use It?

Author: Emailx45 I’m digging the new job. Lots of interesting things going on. Lots of great plans. Now, you may not realize it, but I’m the Director of Product Management for all the Embarcadero products, including a very cool product named RAD Server. Many of you may have heard of RAD Server, but aren’t exactly sure what it is or why you’d want or need it. Well, read this blog…
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Fun with FireMonkey Gradients

Author: Pawe Gowacki Everybody loves colours. Great apps should use colours in clever and original ways. I have been recently spending a lot of time using Delphi XE5 for designing screens for mobile apps and must admit that I really like the way how iOS 7 is using colours…

Delphi Labs: DataSnap code samples updated to XE3

Author: Pawe Gowacki It seems that it is my very first post in the New Year 2013, so I wish You all the best and great time writing all kinds of programs. I’m sure it is going to be a great year for Delphi and Marco is predicting it as well, especially that next month Delphi is going to become adult! Two years ago I have put together a serie of Delphi DataSnap tutorials called “Delphi…
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Delphi JSON Viewer

Author: Michael K22532 JSON support has been introduced in Delphi 2010 as a part of DBExpress database driver architecture, but of course JSON support is not limited to just database applications. JSON is similar to XML as both are text-based data interchange formats. Delphi…

Using Windows Stock Icons in Delphi

Author: Pawe Gowacki it is not a big discovery that all applications are running in the environment provided by the underlying operating system. Delphi is well-known for its rapid application development capabilities. The latest version of Delphi – Delphi 2010 &#8211…

Writing games with Delphi. Ideas?

Author: Aaron Rosenberg How would you approach creating a game with Delphi? I keep playing with Delphi Prism and recently downloaded XNA Game Studio 3.0. It installs very nicely into Delphi Prism. I wonder what is the most commonly used software for creating games that will run on Windows, but also game consoles like Wii, XBox and Playstation and portables like Nintendo DS. Do you remember…
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