
New in 10.2.1: Debug visualisers for Delphi generics

Debug visualisers are a type of IDE plugin that allows you to changethe display of a variable in the various debug windows (Local Variables, Watches, Inspector, and Evaluate/Modify.) For example, the TDateTime visualiser takes the double value that represents time and…

Updating IDE Subversion DLLs to address security issues

Recently a security issue allowing allowing local code execution after visiting a malicious URL was identified in Subversion, git and Mercurial. All three source control systems released a synchronised security update. In RAD Studio, we use an external installation of both git and Mercurial, which you point the IDE to in the Options dialog. (Tools > Options > Version Control, and then either…
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New in RAD Studio 10.2.1: Debugger Quality

In RAD Studio 10.2Release 1 (or 10.2.1) we’ve made a number of improvements in the debugger. Windows debugging: general quality Do you debug multithreaded applications? You might have noticed that wait chain traversal, showing which threads were blocked on…

New in RAD Studio 10.2.1: C++ Improvements

In Tokyo Release 1 (otherwise known as 10.2.1) we’ve made a number of improvements toour C++ support: a small but useful change in the IDE, and some significant improvements in the toolchain itself. Toolchain: compiler, linker, etc Debugging and viewing…

New in RAD Studio 10.2.1: CodeGuard for Windows 8 and 10

CodeGuard is a tool for runtime error checking in a C++ application, and catches memory leaks, invalid handles, invalid memory use (such as writing past the end of a buffer), pointer validation, accessing freed memory and resources, and more. If you’ve never used it, check out the list ofruntime errors it will find, andpotential memory access problems it will warn…
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Changing a FireMonkey style at runtime

There is a great post by Sarina Adding a style selector to your applicationshowing how to have a FMX application with multiple style books, and a combo box listing the styles. When the app is running, a user can select one of the style in the combo box and the…

What's New in C++Builder 10.2: Part 1 - The Linker

RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo will be out very soon, and I’d like to let you know some of what you can expect to see new on the C++Builder side. While the majority of work is for Linux, which will be available for C++ in 10.2.1, we’ve worked on three key areas: Improved linking Improved code generation Improved debugging Today I want to discuss what’s new in the linker. The Win32…
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