C++DelphiIDENewsRAD StudioWhitepaper

New to RAD Studio? We've Got You Covered!

A Fresh Start With RAD Studio available on GetIt If you’re starting with RAD Studio, we’ve got something special for you. Our new guide, Getting Started with RAD Studio – A Guide for Developers New to Delphi and CBuilder is now available in GetIt for customers on an active Update Subscription. Built for Experienced Developers Coming from other programming languages? We get it…
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Running Delphi & HTMX in WordPress - HTMX series part 3

There are over 472 million websites powered by WordPress. What most of them have in common is that they don’t benefit from the power of the web because WordPress is limited by its PHP structure. If you want to take your WordPress page or blog to the next level, then HTMX will be the right choice for you.  In this article, we are going to explore how to use HTMX in WordPress, by embedding…
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DelphiNewsRAD ServerRAD Studio

Sqids: Integration with RAD Server and standalone library

With the launch of RAD Studio 12, RAD Server not only fully integrates the encoding Sqids library, but you can also use it in any other project through the new TSqidsEncoding class available in the System.NetEncoding.Sqids namespace. Sqids is a small open-source library that can produce short, unique, random-looking IDs from numbers. The best way to think about it is like a…
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Deploy Yellowfin Using Docker And Connect it to Delphi Apps

Even though Yellowfin is very straightforward regarding installation, sometimes we don’t want to mess up our main developing computer with extra applications or spin a new VM just to install one piece of software. Here is where Docker comes into play and really shines. Yellowfin has an “all-in-one” Docker image that makes deploying a test or demo environment a breeze. This Docker image is…
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