
Eigen C++ Template Library with C++Builder and VCL

This post describes how to using the Eigen C++ Template Library with C++ Builder and VCL. What is the Eigen C++ Template Library? Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.  A Gentle Introduction to Linear Algebra is here.   Eigen doesn’t have any dependencies other than the C++ standard library.  Eigen consists only…
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RAD Server and Sencha CRUD Grid

This post shows how to create a RAD Server REST Endpoint (JSON Web Service ) using the RAD Server Database Endpoints Wizard using a FireDAC Connection, to create REST Endpoints for CRUD functionality. And create a Sencha Web Client Application with a CRUD Grid for our…
C++DelphiInterBaseRAD Studio

RAD Server CRUD Procedures - Part 3

In this RAD Server CRUD Procedures – Part 3 post we will show how to implement a FireMonkey (FMX) Client to call the RAD Server CRUD procedures and interact with the Employee Table. In the part 2 post, we discussed modifying the default generated CRUD procedure implementations from the RAD Server Package Wizard, to show one possible way to implement Get, GetItem, Post, Put and Delete. In the…
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C++CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Edit Custom Style to change the background color of a FMX TEdit

A Delphi developer asked how do you change the background color of a FMX (FireMonkey) TEdit ? As many know, for a VCL TEdit, you could just set the color property of the TEdit, like this: Edit1.Color := clYellow; Then at Run-Time, after calling Edit1.Color := clYellow, the Edit1 looks like this: But, a FMX TEdit does not have a Color property, so how do you do the same for a FMX TEdit? There are…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

C++ Builder 10.4.x Platform APIs

C++ Builder provides three levels of development: ⦁ Components (VCL and FMX) ⦁ Common Libraries (RTL). ⦁ Platform APIs (iOS, Android, Mac OS) In this post we will discuss and show how to use the Platform APIs (iOS, Android, Mac OS). Specifically, we’ll look at how to use the iOS APIs to obtain Apple iOS device information for the Operating System (OS) version, the OS name and the iOS…
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