We had a lot of great entries in our RAD Studio 10.3 Rio t-shirt design contest. The top 10 most popular designers, based on community vote, and 10 random voters are winning a shirt with the design we selected from the top designs. Here are the top 3 designs based on the community vote.
The design we selected to be printed is the Binary Rio design by Embarcadero MVP Samer Assil.
The top 10 designers (in no particular order) are Saulo Benvenutti, Hernâni, Matthew Kenigsberg, Renan F66829, Alex, Alessandro Bellotti, James, Saulo Benvenutti, Sunghoon, Samer Assil
The 10 randomly selected voters are Ondrej Kelle, Martin Pelletier, ziad allaghi, Fábio Salviano, mkepoglu, Eliene, Marcos A68276, vinicius S68307, bilal S68475, marinaaraujo
Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the winners!We will be contacting the winners to arrange delivery of their shirts. Hope you all are as excited about the upcoming 10.3 Rio release as we are!
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