If you’re a parent like I am, you understand the feeling of comfort in knowing where your children are at all times and that they are safe. Modern smartphone technologies have provided parents and others to track the whereabouts of loved ones, but our Cool App for February, WhereontheMap, has taken that capability to the next level.
WhereontheMap — based on Delphi — is a simple, intuitive Android app that helps you keep an eye on your kids or helps companies support their fleet management systems. One of the cool things the developers of this app did was to use a mix of techniques to reduce power consumption so it doesn’t drain your phone battery like so many apps that run in the background. They utilize the accelerometers sensor which uses the least amount of current to detect motion of the device, and only when it detects motion the app turns on the more accurate localization sensor.
WhereontheMap is a great example of how you can combine some of the turn-key features of Delphi to create a useful app. Click here to download the app on Google Play.
This video shows Whereonthemap in action:
Create Your Own Accelerometer Project
Want to learn more about using the accelerometer sensor? Check out the FMX.Accelerometer Sample that uses the TMotionSensor component, and the FMX.Location Sample that uses the TLocationSensor.
Cool App Contest
Interested in submitting for the Embarcadero’s Cool App contest? It’s open to any business or consumer application built with RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder. Embarcadero awards Cool App contest winners a $500 Amazon gift card and winning submissions are also highlighted on the company’s YouTube channel. For more information on the contest and a link to the submission form, click here.
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