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The Big Enterprise Application Development Questionnaire: 132 Questions to Help You Get Your Next EAS Contract

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The purpose of enterprise software is to automate and optimize operations for a given business, so that the business can grow efficiently and achieve its goals. It stands to reason that the ideal enterprise software for any business would be custom-made for its unique situation, requirements and plans. 

Naturally this is a costly and time-consuming process that not all businesses are ready for. In fact, most businesses make do with mixing and matching off-the-shelf tools or SaaS products to meet their needs.

If you’ve been contracted for an EAS (Enterprise Application Software) project, you have to do the necessary preparation to determine what the client wants and needs, plan implementation and delivery, and reach an agreement on every detail of the project – a long list of specs needs to be drafted before you and your team write a single line of code.

This guide contains the 132 most important questions you need to ask to develop the specifications and plan for your enterprise project. They cover 11 core categories that form the backbone of EAS systems, and create a picture of the client’s expectations you will have to address:

  1. Customer Profile: The customer’s profile as a business
  2. Business Operations: How a company operates in the marketplace
  3. Corporate Processes: How the company makes decisions
  4. Strategic Goals: What targets has the customer set?
  5. Project Limits: What are the desired tools and functionality?
  6. Information Management: How will data be stored, processed and accessed?
  7. Task Management, Teamwork & Collaboration: How will departments and teams work together?
  8. Interoperability: How will the system connect to third-party tools or data?
  9. Data Security: What safety methods need to be introduced across the system?
  10. Scalability, Update and Migration: How will the system adjust to positive or negative changes in operations, and be updated or modernized?
  11. After-Sales Support & Maintenance: What forms of after-sales service will be provided to the customer?

These questions will help you create spreadsheets with requirements, deliverables and timelines, answer the key questions, and create a timeline and cost allocation schedule that you can implement and track.

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