When you first fire up RAD Studio, Delphi, or C++Builder 10.2.2 Tokyo you are greeted by a fantastic new first time opening experience. First, you get to choose your theme. I really like the new Dark theme, although the Light theme has a fantastic new update too.
The next screen checks your source control settings for you and prompts you to personalize or restore your common settings.
If you used the Migration Assistant before installing then you can restore them here. Although the upgrade from Tokyo to 10.2.2 is an in-place reinstall, so all your settings should stay the same. Still a good idea to keep a settings back-up on hand though!
If you don’t have your version control setup you can grab Git command-line and Mercurial command-line (use the 32-bit versions since the IDE is 32-bit) really quick and integrate them into your IDE in just a snap.
And when you are all done you can customize the theme if you want to get creative!
What do you think of the new IDE experience? Did you notice the new Welcome screen too?
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