C++CodeHow-To'sNewsRAD StudioWindows

Upgrading to C++Builder 12.2: Tip #5, Split out C++ EH and SEH exception handling

Welcome to a series of tips and tricks for taking advantage of the new Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain in C++Builder / RAD Studio 12.2! This builds on a webinar we did sharing a bunch of useful information on why and how the new C++Builder matters to you, where this was the very end (so go watch the start!) Tip #5: Split out C++ EH and SEH exception handling After three separate variants of tip…
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C++ GM Update: Focus on C++ Quality in 10.4 And 10.4.1

Our refocusing efforts on quality assurance and bug fixes for C++ Builder has never been more clear than in 10.4.1. While we appreciate your patience, we don’t take it for granted. We have never been more energized to build on the solid foundations of C++ Builder and will continue this push in later releases throughout the year. Some highlights from this release: The Win64 debugger…
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