
Attributes for Documenting TEMSDataSetResource

I recently blogged about a number of RAD Server topics, including using TEMSDataSetResource, (the component that enables a TDataSet to be expose as a RESTful resource, and manage all the List, Get, Put, Post, Delete methods – very cool!), how to set named parameters for the TEMSDataSetResource documentation (where multiple keys are passed in e.g. with Master Detail relationships (reviewed…
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Master Detail data in RAD Server using TEMSDataSetResource

Master Detail data in RAD Server The TEMSDataSetResource is a very powerful component that enables rapid development of full document REST API’s for TDataSet using RAD Server. Using TEMSDataSetResource, along with traditional master detail relationship configurations, it…

Embedding Swagger UI into RAD Server

This post is an update to the original post written previously showing Swagger UI being used with RAD Server,covering new features of RAD Server. Why Embed Swagger UI into RAD Server? Swagger UI (as previously discussed) is a great option for checking your…

How-To: Generating Documentation for RAD Server APIs

RAD Studio allows you to create API documentation for new RAD Server Resource modules in YAML and JSON format. The new implementation is based in theSwagger RESTful API Documentation Specification. EMS.ResourceType implements the new attributes that can be used to generate API documentation for the EndPoints of a Resource. EndPointRequestSummary Description of a…
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