C++ModernizationNewsRAD StudioWindows

Practical Info: Using CMake with C++Builder 12.2

Back in October when we released C++Builder and RAD Studio 12.2, we introduced that we have fantastic CMake support. We have both multiple demos and a lot of documentation on using CMake. This blog is to briefly point you to both. Installing The new CMake support, which is for the Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain, the toolchain we recommend you use, contains changes we plan to submit back to CMake.
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DelphiRAD Studio

OpenCV: Create Highly Optimized Computer Vision Applications With Delphi

OpenCV is a cross-platform library that can be utilized to develop real-time computer vision applications. It principally concentrates on image processing, video capturing, and analysis. The best part is there is the Delphi-OpenCV library for Delphi developers. Delphi-OpenCV is a translation of OpenCV library header files in Delphi. You can find all the required libraries for this library…
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