
5 Ways To Make Use Of AI In Your Windows And Mobile Apps

AI is one of the most significant trends in the app development industry. We can witness that artificial intelligence is coursing into every regular activity of ours whether it is medicine, finance, production, cyber security through mobile and desktop applications. In this article, you will learn how to transform your Windows development as well as that of other desktops such macOS or Linux…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Machine Learning: 5 Ways To Use ML in your Windows Apps

How do I start using Machine Learning in Windows? Machine learning isn’t just for the cloud, or run locally in a web browser or command prompt. Microsoft is bringing it to PCs in the latest Windows 10 release. For example, Microsoft provides Python’s WinRT to create Windows Machine Learning applications, and ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) format, an open standard for sharing trained…
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