CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Quickly Implement A Master-Detail App For Tablets In Delphi With This Example

Running the FMX.TabletMasterDetailwithSearch Sample, it shows you two columns. The column on the left-hand side shows a list of people and includes a search box. The column on the right-hand side shows details (a picture, name, job and “description”) about the person currently selected on the list view. You can tap list view entries to select them and load their information on the…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Easily Build Master-Detail Relationships Between Datasets In Delphi Windows Apps

The sample demonstrates how to use theTFDQuerycomponent in order to set upmaster-detail relationshipsbetween datasets. It uses the master-detail relationship to automatically filter a detail dataset based on a current master dataset record. In this sample, the master dataset has “Order” records, and the detail dataset shows only lines for the current order.
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