
Top 5 Delphi Books Which Can Turn You Into An Object Pascal Rockstar

There are five recent Delphi books that can really kick-start your development with Delphi on Android, iOS, Windows 10, and MacOSX. These five books are the Object Pascal Handbook, Coding In Delphi, More Coding In Delphi, Delphi Cookbook Second Edition, and Delphi Programming for Beginners. Some of these books are free and some of them are available from various online stores like Amazon. If you…
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Extended Beacon sample for Delphi 10.1 Berlin: Standard, Alternative and Eddystone beacons

If you look at the ExtendedBeaconScanner sample that is included for Delphi in 10.1 Berlin, you will learn how to scan for Beacon devices using different scan modes: Standard, Alternative, Eddystone, and Extended. When selecting the Extended mode, the sample allows you to select the kind of Beacon device to scan: iBeacon, AltBeacon, and Eddystone. The Extended mode allows scanning all different…
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RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, REST/JSON and using a fun site:

I was thinking about how I would do a gender based analysis of our customer database without surveying our customers. The Embarcadero Community profile does not ask whether you are male or female. At the recent Evans Data Developer Relations Conference, there was a presentation about the number of developers in the world (currently around 19 million going up to 25 million in 2020). Evans Data puts…
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Migrating Legacy (DCOM based) DataSnap Servers from Delphi 2007 (and earlier) to Delphi 2009/2010 (and later)

Author: David T53150 A DataSnap migration question came up in today’s webinar, “Delphi 2007 to Delphi 10 Seattle Migration: Easy!“. Miguel Angel Moreno asked “Is there any webinar/document covering an easy way to convert old Midas remote provider based applications to the new DataSnap 2009 Rest remote dataset based approach? This is about one of the hardest functionalities to…
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