C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDEInterBaseRAD Studio

I first met Philippe Kahn and Turbo Pascal 40 years ago this month

In 1983, I was working for Softsel Computer Products (Softsel) in the product evaluation, support and training group. Softsel had a booth at the Fall 1983 COMDEX (Computer Dealer Expo) conference (November 28 to December 2) in the Las Vegas Convention Center. I sat at a pod in the booth to answer questions about Softsel, products we distributed and to talk with software and device manufacturers…
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C++RAD Studio

Introduction To Modern C++ With Tutorials

Hey, beginners, new C++ Developers, or Developers who want jump into the awesome C++ Builder world. C++ Builder is the easiest and fastest C and C++ IDE for building simple or professional modern applications on the Windows, MacOS, iOS & Android operating systems. It…