
Get the Competitive Edge with FireUI

The Market Today To stay relevant, be successful and reach users, mobile app developers need to develop multi-device apps. Looking at the latest mobile OS market share stats, iOS and Android is split down the middle in the US, with iOS being prevalent in Japan and Android in Germany (stats from US: iOS ~53% Android ~47% Germany: iOS ~27% Android…
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Designing App Navigation with TMultiView

In RAD Studio XE7, we introduced a new smart menu component called TMultiView. With TMultiView, it is really easy to create app navigation that automatically adjusts itself depending on form factor, orientation and target platform using our new behavior services. TMultiView is a container component which means that you can parent many different components to it, such as a top aligned TToolbar or a…
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FireUI Multi-Device Designer and working with Views

In RAD Studio XE7, we introduced the FireUI Multi-Device Designer. FireUI makes it easy to create user interfaces across multiple devices using a master form to share all user interface code, and then optimize inherited views for each target platform and…