
Webinar Replay: C++ Software Security Sins

In the world of software development, we are up against new cyber security threats each day, and the risks and consequences of un-secure software is too great to be unaware of.   Join presenter, Mary Kelly, to address the key security sins related to C++ applications, how they happen and how to resolve them. Click on the link to the webinar replay below :  C++ Software Security Sins Buffer…
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C++ Free Compiler Updated to 10.2.3

Embarcadero hashad a free download of our C++ compiler andRTL (capable of making Win32 apps) for many years, going back into the Borland days. (In fact, Idera as a company likes providing free tools – check out some of the others here.) We aim to keep…

10.2.3 C++ Hotfix for an issue with a 4KB or larger stack allocation

In 10.2.3, there is an issue affectingmethods using the fastcall calling convention that allocate 4KB or more on the stack inside the method. The stack allocation could result in the ‘this’ pointer containing an incorrect value. This was reported as: RSP-20171 RSP-20297 and RSP-20173 (duplicate reports) You can download the hotfix from CodeCentral. Technical info For…
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Using C++ Templates to Write Functions and Classes

C++ Templates : Blueprints for Generic Classes and Functions C++ Templates are a powerful feature within the C++ language that extends your capabilities within C++. Templates are a foundation of generic programming that lets you reuse your source code if you have…

RAD Studio 10.2.3 Webinar Replay

On April 5th,the RAD Studio Product Management teamhosted a deep dive webinar onRAD Studio 10.2.3. In this webinar replay, you will learn about the new C++ enhancements including rename refactoring and CMake capabilities in C++Builder, mobile development…

Creating Better Blogs

Author: Rebekah D Choose Your Adventure/Topic Most posts here are going to fall into two categories: Descriptive and How-To. Descriptive blogs introduce and discuss a feature but do not necessarily show developers how to use the new feature. We see this most often during product releases that have overviews of new capabilities. How-To blogs walk the reader through using a…
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Why create mobile apps in C++

There are a wide variety of languages used for mobile development: Swift, Objective C, Java, Kotlin, Delphi, C#, and C++. What are the reasons to choose C++? Consider a language along three axes: expressiveness, conciseness, and performance. An expressive language allows…

Sencha EXT JS Web Client + RAD Server 10.2.3

In this post, we’ll look at the stepsto use the Sencha ExtJS library to create a Web Client to connect and get data from our RAD Studio’s RAD Server (also available with Delphi and/or C++ Builder)! Before We Get Started: In…