
Cross-Platform 4D Solar System Simulation Is Built In Delphi

Planet Fun is a 4D solar system simulation for Android and iOS and it is built in Delphi. Planet positions are calculated using VSOP2013 ephemeris, years between 1500 and 3000 according the developer. The app is built using FireMonkey 3D functionality and full source code is available. Among its features are a solar system animation with configurable speed, choose camera target (Sun or planets)…
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CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Easily Implement Robust Binary Large Object (BLOB) Streaming With FireDAC In Delphi

TheBlobssample shows you how to create a BLOB stream for reading and/or writing the value of a specificBLOB fieldon a specific record. To this end, the sample uses theCreateBlobStreammethod ofTFDQueryto create a read-only BLOB stream. In this sample, the BLOB stream is used to read the picture contained on eachBLOB fieldof each record of…
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