
Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.3 Rio are now available

We are very excited to announce that Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.3 Rio are now available. One of our most significant releases yet, Rio introduces many new features in the IDE, making it more effective and pleasant to use, and significantly improves our customers’ ability to build Windows 10 and multi-device applications. It also provides an updated RAD Server for developers’…
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C++ language update - ISO C++ meeting, Bjarne videos, and more

Here are a few recent updates regarding the ISO C++ Language and CPPCon 2019 videos with Bjarne Stroustrup. Herb Sutter’s Trip report: Fall ISO C++ standards meeting (San Diego) “On Saturday November 10, the ISO C++ committee completed its fall meeting in San Diego, California, USA, hosted with thanks by Qualcomm. This was the biggest ISO C++ meeting in our 29-year…
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Touch-Friendly Navigation for Mobile Apps

Over 20% of users abandon an application after using it the first time (per Localytics). How can you design your mobile app to avoid being one of these casualties? Start out by designing your application with mobile in mind. You can’t just replicate your desktop…

Targeting iOS 12 with RAD Studio

Earlier this week, Apple released the new version of iOS, iOS 12. We’ve been testing iOS 12 with 10.2 Tokyo Release 3 and the 10.3 Carnival Beta. What we support with RAD Studio 10.2.3 today: Building applications that can run on iOS 12 devices using the iOS 11 SDK and…

Prototyping: from Vision to UX Design

You have a great idea for an app, but how do you successfully get from idea to a well designed, functional app your users love? It starts with design wireframing and prototyping, a faster iterative process that requires less coding effort up front so you know what works and what needs to be improved – before you invest your hours and dollars coding. Application prototyping is an important…
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August 2018 Roadmap Commentary from Product Management

2018 has been a very exciting year so far for Embarcadero. In our roadmap, you can find the key features that we’ve planned for calendar year 2018/2019. Before we get to the details of our updated roadmap, we wanted to recap what we’ve delivered so far: Back in March, we…

Create App Store ready apps with Community Edition

Start building visually stunning multi-device applications right away with these great tools accessible from the IDE’s Welcome Page. TIP: If you accidentally close the Welcome Page, you can reopen it by going to View > Welcome Page. This article covers the…