
Borland OWL to C++ Builder VCL

Every once in a while, I get a request to help migrate Borland OWL applications to C++ Builder VCL applications. Background TheObject Windows Library(OWL) is aC++object-orientedapplication frameworkdesigned to simplify desktop application development forWindows. OWL was introduced byBorlandin 1991 and eventually deprecated in 1997 in favor of…
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Migrating is easier than you think!

As an Embarcadero Software Consultant, I’m often asked to help migrate legacy Delphi and C++ Builder code to the current versions. Developers have commented that their migrations were easier than they thought! Here are two recent Code Rage Sessions showing Migrating your…

RAD Studio 10.2: Windows 10 VCL UWP/WinRT Support

Windows 10 VCL Universal Windows Platform (UWP)/WinRT Services and Components has been added to the Run Time Library (RTL). For example, the Windows 10 Notifications Componentand Windows 10 Sharing/Contract Component, for both Object Pascal and C++ is included in RAD…