
Learn How to manage Exif from graphic files with Delphi app - with Andrew Sovtsov - CodeRage XI

Author: Ellajohn Almost every digital image contains very valuable EXIF metadata about any parameter of the shot, light conditions, camera settings and even GPS coordinates. It would be extremely helpful to be able to extract, save to a database and use this metadata for further analysis. In this session you will meet a little sample application to do it which was developed with RAD Studio…
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What is RAD Server and How You Can Use It?

Author: Emailx45 I’m digging the new job. Lots of interesting things going on. Lots of great plans. Now, you may not realize it, but I’m the Director of Product Management for all the Embarcadero products, including a very cool product named RAD Server. Many of you may have heard of RAD Server, but aren’t exactly sure what it is or why you’d want or need it. Well, read this blog…
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Learn to Program with Starter (Homepage)

Author: Pawe Gowacki In coming weeks David Millington (C++Builder Product Manager) and I are going to publish weekly blog postings where you can learn programming step by step with Delphi and C++Builder. As much as possible we will try to synchronise topics and content so…

FireMonkey vs. VCL

Frequently when I am talking about the VCL or FireMonkey I get some of these common questions: Is VCL deprecated? Which is better FMX or VCL? If I am starting a new app today, should I use VCL or FMX? The first is easy to answer, the other two are a little harder. The VCL…

Bluestacks como emulador Android para Delphi/C++ Builder

Author: Worajedt S. Um tema recorrente nas rodas de conversa sobre mobile é a performance (ou não performance) do emulador Android do Google (utilizado por default pelo Delphi e C++ Builder). Eis que surge uma solução muito interessante (e de ótima performance): a utilização de máquinas virtuais com Android. Uma delas é o BlueStacks ( A instalação não tem…
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Developer Direct 2014 Mobile School: Lesson 3 Slides and Replays

Author: Wayne S8181 Monday, July 14, 2014: Lesson 3 – Accessing Local Storage and Data In this lesson, we explore local storage covering a range of options including using INI files and local document storage. This lesson will also show how to use FireDAC database access components to connect to and use local SQLite, InterBase IBLite and IBToGo. You will understand the core concepts when…
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