
Creating great UIs with C++Builder and FireMonkey: app templates

FireMonkey is an advanced UI toolkit, capable of great layouts and designs. We’d like to show you what it’s capable of, and how easy it is to make great interfaces using it. We’ve just introduced eighteenexample UI templates using FireMonkey and C++ that really showhow easy it is tocreate great-looking apps. These are freely availableon GetIt, our package…
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Creating custom TEdit styles with the FireMonkey Style Designer

1) Apply a custom style Create a new FireMonkey multi-device application. Drag and drop a TStyleBook component onto your form, and set the form’s StyleBook property to StyleBook1. Next, double click on the StyleBook component. This will load the integrated Style Designer. Click the Open button to select a custom style. This tutorial uses the iOSEmeraldCrystal style from the premium style…
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My CodeRage Sessions next week

CodeRage is next week. Have you signed up yet? Register Now I will be presenting two different sessions: Session 1: RAD Studio Product Address Speaker: Sarina DuPont, Marco Cantu, David Millington When: Tue, 7-Nov from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Level: All (General information for everyone) Reminder: [Google Calendar] [Watch online] Description:Join Product Management to hear the latest and what…
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Adding a Custom Icon to a FireMonkey Button

Step 1: Create a new FireMonkey Application Launch 10.2 Tokyo and go to File > New > FireMonkey Application (Delphi or C++) and select ‘Blank Application’. Drop a TStyleBook component onto your form and double-click it to open the integrated Style Designer.