Have you heard of functional programming but are vague on the details? Are you ready to expand beyond the object-oriented mindset? Tomorrow, Nick Hodges, author of Coding in Delphi, will teach us how to harness functional programming techniques to craft beautiful programs in Delphi. Just one day away, Functional Programming with Delphi is a knowledge-broadening talk you don’t want to miss!
DelphiCon 2020 offers ten talks and four expert panels by Embarcadero tech partners and Most Valuable Professionals spanning the range of software from education to industrial database access. Come for the functional programming and leave with a greater understanding of how to maximize performance with Delphi. The conference is free and open to the public. Sign up now by clicking the “Save my seat” button at delphicon.embarcadero.com!
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John Hodges or Nick Hodges?
Oops, somehow his name got flipped. We are all puzzled as to how. Fixed it though.