Please note that our online Docwiki, Embarcadero Forums, EDN Member Services and some of our support systems are currently not accessible. These systems were taken down for maintenance over the weekend when we identified some additional issues that we are resolving promptly. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and hope to have these systems back online soon.
We wanted to also take this opportunity to talk about some of the planned customer portal enhancements over the next six months. As you are probably aware, our EDN site is quite dated as it has been in use for many years. It has a lot of functionality that we know many customers like, but some that are no longer used extensively. We have started an effort to migrate to more modern platforms, such as the one used by our Community Portal. That initiative has been hugely successful and we want to migrate the rest of the functionality.
Over the coming months, we will start to introduce some of these changes. Some of these are specifically aimed to increase the value for customers on active Update Subscription. We are committed to providing ample communications for any significant changes. For example, Code Central has a long history of downloads. The way we assign these also has made tracking Code Central IDs to specific downloads difficult and resulted in many obsolete IDs. Legacy downloads will likely be folded into a new Update Subscription customer-only section of the Customer Portal. We also plan on making it easier for customers to track cases they have logged, access current and previous version downloads, view licenses and more.
We don’t expect those changes in the coming months to result in any system downtime, but if they do, we’ll make sure to promptly notify you.
As always, serving the community very important to us and we appreciate any feedback. We are always looking to do better. Thanks!
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