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ORM For Delphi

orm for delphi

Object Relational Mapping is the idea of being able to write queries using the object-oriented paradigm in your preferred programming language. So this means we are trying to utilize our language to talk with the database instead of using SQL.

Why utilize ORM?

  • It abstracts away the database system, so switching is easy.
  • Your queries can be efficient than writing them with SQL.
  • With ORM, you get lots of features out of the box for instance
    • Transactions
    • Migrations
    • Seeds
    • Streams
    • Connection Pooling

Delphi community has several Delphi ORM libraries, and the DORM (Delphi ORM) by Daniele Teti is one of the popular and open-source libraries you can use.

DORM has many features available:

  • Database agnostic (Do not require database changes!)
  • Has one, has many, and belongs to relations support
  • Mapping through file, attributes, or CoC
  • Save and retrieve objects graph, not only single objects
  • External (file) or internal (resource, json stream) configuration
  • Interfaces based!
  • FirebirdSQL (using UIB)
  • Interbase (using UIB)
  • SQLServer (using FireDAC driver)
  • SQLite3 (using this SQLite3 wrapper
  • and more!

Here you can download the Delphi ORM!

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About author

Software Developer | CS(CyberSec) Undergrad at APU Malaysia | Delphi/C++ Builder Enthusiast | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Microsoft Azure Certified


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