The official PAServer, RAD Server, and InterBase Docker images are all updated to work with 11.2. The 10.x images used Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver) while the updated 11.3 images use Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish). You can find the images on Docker Hub, or the individual Dockerfiles and build instructions are on GitHub.
Table of Contents
Some basic introductory documentation. Check out the video section below for more information.
- DocWiki PAServer Documentation
- DocWiki RAD Server Docker Deployment
- More information on InterBase
- More information on RAD Studio
Individual Images
Here are the three individual Docker images available on GitHub and Docker Hub. The easiest way to use them is via Docker Hub, but you can build them from the Dockerfiles on GitHub for more flexibility.
- PAServer-Docker: Just PAServer on Ubuntu
- Already updated to 11.2 in main and latest.
- Docker Hub:
- https://hub.docker.com/r/radstudio/paserver
- Tag:
docker pull radstudio/paserver:latest
- GitHub:
- https://github.com/Embarcadero/paserver-docker
- Branch:
- Report issues with 11.2:
- PA-RADServer-Docker: With RAD Server
- Docker Hub:
- https://hub.docker.com/r/radstudio/pa-radserver
- Tag:
docker pull radstudio/pa-radserver:11.2-test
- GitHub:
- Report issues with 11.2 test:
- Docker Hub:
- PA-RADServer-IB-Docker: With RAD Server and InterBase
- Docker Hub:
- https://hub.docker.com/r/radstudio/pa-radserver-ib
- Tag:
docker pull radstudio/pa-radserver-ib:11.2-test
- GitHub:
- Report issues with 11.2 test:
- Docker Hub:
There are instructions on how to build them from the Dockerfile on the individual GitHub repositories, or you can just install them from Docker Hub. Based on feedback I’ll transition the 11.2-test
tags to latest
in the near future.

Video Introduction
These videos provide more information on Docker and show these images use in action.
Docker Basics
Duration: 8:28
Quick introduction to Docker and the new Docker deployment functionality added in 10.3.3 Rio for RAD Server using Delphi and RAD Studio. Learn more.
Working with the RAD Server image for Docker
Duration: 5:14
Learn how to deploy a RAD Server module into a remote Docker instance using the RAD Server image for Docker.
Deploying to PA Server on Docker
Duration: 2:20
See how to deploy a FMXLinux app to a Broadway server running in a Docker image via PAServer and access it as HTML5 via a web browser.
More Videos
- Custom Docker Package with RAD Server and InterBase (4:41)
- Webinar: A Practical Introduction to Docker (2:36:09)
- TCoffeeAndCode: Docker, Containers, & Platforms (1:57:54)
- Deploying Yellowfin using Docker – And using it from Delphi (6:32)
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Is it possible to build binaries for Windows in such a container? Or do you offer Windows Docker Containers that can be used for this? I want to automate our build processes in a CI pipeline using Docker but we have this Windows requirement.
These containers would not create Windows binaries. You can contact our SC team who might be able to advise you on CI/CD options: https://www.embarcadero.com/company/contact-us