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LearnCPlusPlus.org :: Object-Oriented Programming, Structs, Classes, Objects, And More

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Hello C++ Developers, C++ Builder Developers, Dev-C++ Developers, and all other developers.

One of the most powerful features of C++ is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), which makes it different from the C programming language by using Classes, Objects, and more. Object-Oriented Programming has many advantages over procedural programming and it is the most characteristic feature of the C++ programming language. If you are looking for a c++ compiler for your Object-Oriented Programming and building Native Windows C++, you may try C++ Builder.

Last week we started Object-Oriented Programming, which is another milestone in the “Introduction to C++” posts on our LearnCPlusPlus.org website, and we will dive into Classes & Objects in the next few weeks so keep following along. Remember that we also released post-picks about Functions, Parameters, Declarations & Overloading

This week’s topics

This week’s topics include

  • What is Object-Oriented Programming, an Introduction to OOP
  • Data Structures in C & C++
  • Object Arrays and Object Pointer Arrays in C++
  • Access Specifiers
  • Classes and Objects in C++


We have 2 Video picks from the CPP Con,

  • Back to Basics: Smart Pointers by Rainer Grimm (CPPCon 2020)
  • Making Games Start Fast: A Story About Concurrency by Mathieu Ruport (CPPCon 2020)

Learn Object-Orientated Programming with us!

This week’s topics will teach you about Object-Oriented Programming as an introduction. More details about OOP will come in the next weeks.

If you are a beginner, new to C++, or if you are a Delphi developer and want to learn or remember the basics of C++, these posts are good to improve your programming skills.

We keep adding new C++ blogs for C++ Builder, Dev-C++. Most are also compatible with other C++ compilers. Please visit our LearnCPlusPlus.org website for great posts from basics to professional examples, full code, snippets, and a lot more. 

Let’s learn all about Object-Oriented Programming, Structures, Classes, Objects, and more. Here are our post picks from the last week for C++ beginners,

C++ is an extremely powerful programming language and RAD Studio has all the perfect tools to help you learn and use it. Why not try RAD Studio C++ Builder today?

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About author

Dr. Yilmaz Yoru has 35+ years of coding with more than 30+ programming languages, mostly C++ on Windows, Android, Mac-OS, iOS, Linux, and some other operating systems. He graduated and received his MSc and PhD degrees from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Eskisehir Osmangazi University. He is the founder and CEO of ESENJA LLC Company. His interests are Programming, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, 2D & 3D Designs, and high-end innovations.

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