RAD Studio 10.3 supports the latest versions of iOS and Android.
RAD Studio 10.3 includes iOS 12 support for targeting iPhone and iPad devices and building App Store and Enterprise applications. This is in addition to supporting iOS 11 and 10.
With 10.3 Rio, we support Android versions 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5.
RAD Studio 10.3 Rio includes support for Android API version 26 development, as required by Google, for new Play Store applications starting August 2018 and for updates starting November 2018. Changes include:
- New information in the manifest (with the proper API level).
- The default configuration uses a recent version of the SDK/NDK.
Please note that you must update the SDK to include a recent platform library; otherwise your Android apps won’t build.
Recent versions of the Android API have changed the mechanism for requesting permissions. The user can call PermissionsService.RequestPermissions (from the new System.Permissions unit) and pass it a reference to a routine that will be called with the users responses, and optionally a routine to display a rationale for the requested permission. See Android Permission Model for more information.
For more information on supported versions of iOS and Android, please see http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/PlatformStatus/en/Main_Page
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