Embarcadero just released the source code of the most recent version of the ODBC driver for the InterBase relational database.
This is an open source driver which has been available for long, but it’s the first time it is officially hosted in a public repository, at:
The source code includes recent fixes to add support for catalog/tables selection using Microsoft Power BI and multi-platform build enablement (Linux 64bit, macOS ARM64). The driver, in fact, can be compiled for three different platforms: Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Notice that the driver source code is licensed under the original InterBase Initial Developer’s PUBLIC LICENSE.
In perspective, this work goes along the JDBC driver for Java, the ADO.NET driver for C#, and the Python Driver. All together, and in additional to the native RAD Studio connectivity, these drivers enable creating applications backed by InterBase in many different language and development environments.
More Information on InterBase
InterBase is a powerful, zero-administration, small footprint database engine that can power your server and even run on your mobile devices as an embedded database. InterBase 2020 added a number of new features, including tablespaces support for InterBase server, new OS platform support for embedded versions, enhanced performance monitoring, SQL optimizations and more.
You can find more information on InterBase and the 2020 at the following links:
- The product page on the Embarcadero company website, https://www.embarcadero.com/products/interbase
- The product documentation site, https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/InterBase/2020/en/Main_Page
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