We are happy to announce that InterBase 2020 Update 2 has been released today. Building on the solid foundation of InterBase 2020, the new update includes a few new features and addresses some customer issues. For general InterBase information see www.embarcadero.com/products/interbase and www.interbase.com.
InterBase 2020 Update 2 extends database support for Common Table Expressions by supporting recursive CTE. It also adds to the ISQL dialect the ability to extract information based on features added in recent years (EUA database setup and EUA user records, Change View Subscription definitions and their use in Database/Table schemas, Encryption Key definitions). InterBase 2020 Update 2 offers fixes for over 40 reported issues, including those already addressed in InterBase 2020 Update 1 Hotfixes 1 and 2. You can find more information on the product and this update release on the InterBase doc wiki what’s new page and also check the release 2 readme.
Moreover, the ToGo Edition of InterBase 2020 Update 2 adds native support for macOS ARM CPUs, by offering a universal binary package (combining the Intel and ARM binaries) for macOS deployment. The pre-release version of this support can be found in recently-released Embarcadero RAD Studio 11. Finally, we want to remind you that this year Embarcadero also significantly updated the ADO.NET driver for InterBase, available on NuGet and GitHub as described at https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/InterBase/2020/en/ADO.NET_Driver.
If you have an existing InterBase 2020 license you can download this release at https://my.embarcadero.com (specifically the Windows installer and the Linux installer).
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Congratulations on delivering the recursive functionality for CTEs. It’s just disappointing that PostgreSQL was able to offer CTEs with recursion 11 years earlier and SQLite almost 8 years earlier. Interbase users had to wait 4 1/2 years after the introduction of CTEs in Interbase 2017 to get the recursive functionality.
Why does Embarcadero insist on combining bug fixes with new features? That’s not an “update” then; it’s a new release that has to go through all of the regular testing before deployment. If updates were just bug fix releases then IT wouldn’t have to worry about new functionality potentially introducing new bugs. None of the other major databases combine bug fixes with releases for this reason. When you combine bug fixes and new features it hinders swift adoption of updates, which isn’t a good idea if it’s security bugs that are being patched. To quote PostgreSQL for instance, “While upgrading will always contain some level of risk, PostgreSQL minor releases fix only frequently-encountered bugs, security issues, and data corruption problems to reduce the risk associated with upgrading. For minor releases, the community considers not upgrading to be riskier than upgrading.”
You need to update the system requirements page:
With update 2 Interbase does not support RHEL 6 and 7
Starting ibserver on Centos 7 gives this error:
/opt/interbase/bin/ibserver: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.9′ not found (required by /opt/interbase/bin/ibserver)
Centos 7:
#strings /lib64/libstdc++.so.6 | grep CXXABI
Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll try and get this passed on to someone to check and update as necessary.