This week for CodeRage 2019 we have a lot of great content for our FireMonkey Multi-Device Design series! One of the goals with changing the format this year was to get more people involved who didn’t have the time to create a full 45-minute video. Now I know from experience that creating a short video can sometimes be longer than creating a longer video, so I am not trying to downplay the effort by the presenters.
When you register for the series you will receive an email with the series playlist.
Here is a taste of the topics covered this week by our amazing MVPs
- The FDK Way of creating visual Controls with Frank Lauter
- How to create a “blur behind” control in FireMonkey with Erik Van Bilsen [Slides] [Blog] [Code]
- FMX-JS Bridge with Serge Pilko [Slides]
- FMX Design with Photos – Sanghyun Oh
- How to create a simple HTML label in FireMonkey with Erik Van Bilsen [Blog] [Code] [Slides]
- Optimizing Layout Hierarchies in FireMonkey with Dalija Prasnikar
- Introducing FMXER: an effective visual framework for FMX with Andrea Magni
- Embed C Code into Delphi FMX Project with Marion Candau [Slides]
- FireMonkey Styles Data with Landerson Gomes Dos Santos
And more, including working with assets from Adobe XD and Photoshop. We will see you online for the Q&A Round-Table on Thursday, Nov 14, 2019 12:00 PM CST.
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