Today’s CoolApps selection is ExBox, from Marc Hoffmann. ExBox is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create shortcuts to execute common tasks, such as calculators, color converters, text and image editors, and more.
Marc has packed a lot of cool features into ExBox, but in my opinion the coolest feature of all is the addition of a scripting engine that allows you to write your own scripts and macros to be used in ExBox! This means that ExBox is infinitely customizable and you can easily tailor it to your needs to create an awesome tool to enhance your productivity.
ExBox is a fun and useful program to help you get the most out of your projects. It is available for download today from Marc’s website (in German) and is definitely worth a look. Congratulations to Marc Hoffman and to ExBox, our latest Embarcadero Cool Apps selection.
Learn more about ExBox and download here:
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