As more small and home businesses continue to enter the marketplace, point of sale (POS) technologies have become a critical part of modern economy. I’m excited to report that one of the real innovators in this market, BeePOS, is the winner of Embarcadero’s Cool App contest for January. The industry buzz around this company has been tremendous (obligatory bee reference, check!), and we’re fully anticipating their adoption numbers to grow dramatically over the coming months.
BeePOS — written in Delphi — is a fully integrated, intuitive POS software that can be used for restaurants, bars and the hospitality industry. It’s flexibility allows retailers to use the software for front-end or backend POS, in multiple or single stores and on Windows, iOS, Android and macOS platforms.
I’ve seen a number of line-of-business applications like POS systems choose Delphi, which is an ideal solution because of the rapid application development model, first class database support and easy application maintenance. BeePOS is a great example of this with its customizable reporting system and sophisticated configuration. Using DataSnap to broker the data from the backend database to the client application creates a flexible and lightweight system.
This video shows BeePOS in action.
Interested in submitting for the Embarcadero’s Cool App contest? It’s open to any business or consumer application built with RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder. Embarcadero awards Cool App contest winners a $500 Amazon gift card and winning submissions are also highlighted on the company’s YouTube channel. For more information on the contest and a link to the submission form, click here.
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