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Delphi Linux Boot Camp

Author: Rostislav Maslov

Description: This one-day boot camp introduces you to some of the key technologies you need to know to work with Delphi on Linux and deal with the penguins!


  • Configuring Linux Server
  • Configuring Apache
  • Installing Server Modules
  • Working with server technologies
  • Working with Databases
  • Exploring Delphi for Linux features
  • Deploying and debugging from Delphi


This may be your first chance to see Tokyo in action. Don’t miss it before the penguins are let loose on the world.

The upcoming Delphi Tokyo 10.2 release increases the number of platforms Delphi supports to 6: Windows, Windows 64-bit, macOS, iOS, Android, and now Linux. Take your servers to new heights with Delphi Tokyo 10.2. Get on Update Subscription today so you are ready and join the beta.


Do you want to create Powerful Linux Apps for Ubuntu with Delphi? Try the IDE Software,  which can help you create apps in Delphi or C++ environments.

Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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