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David I becomes an Embarcadero MVP, starts new job at Evans Data Corporation

Author: JC Whitsett

In today’s interconnected world, companies in all industries need to publish APIs and cultivate a developer community to access and use them. To be competitive today, attracting and supporting developers is essential. The key to cultivating a vibrant developer community that uses your APIs and supports your platform is a good developer relations program.

After 43+ years in programming and 31+ years at Borland/Inprise/Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero I have joined the Evans Data Corporation team. At Evans Data I am taking all that I have learned about developers, evangelism and developer relations to a global world of companies that need to create and/or enhance a developer outreach program.

At Evans Data Corporation I am the Vice President of Developer Communities. I am focusing my efforts on helping advance developer outreach programs for companies via workshops, courses, videos, articles and webinars. I am also responsible for the DevRelate community for developer relations professionals. You can find more information about our Developer Program Advisory Workshops and Assessments here.

“The combination of Evans Data’s years of developer research and David’s wealth of experience in developer program best practices will ensure that every company can successfully grow the adoption of their products, services and platforms,” said Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data.

I have known Evans Data’s CEO Janel Garvin for more than 25 years. Janel and I worked together at Borland in what was called the Language Business Unit. I have kept in touch with Evans Data over the years because of their world class developer research reports. I have also been a presenter at many of the annual  Developer Relations Conference‘s (DRC) that Evans Data hosts. The DRC brings together developer relations professionals who share best practices, program experiences and business opportunities.

I am very excited to join Evans Data and immediately start helping the many global companies that are reaching out to developers to enhance their current business successes and create new business opportunities. Additionally I will be providing developer program assessments and workshops that are driven by Evans Data’s wealth of developer research data will ensure that every company can be successful in their developer outreach.”

I still love to program using Delphi, C++Builder, VCL, FireMonkey and FireDAC. The Embarcadero Technology Partner Program and MVP Program are in the great hands of Jim McKeeth. I will continue to create programs, write about development, use my “Sip from the Firehose” blog and participate in the Embarcadero MVP program.

I wrote my first program in the fall of 1969 and have been programming ever since. I have also been a developer evangelist for about half of my life. I know I will be a software developer and programming cheerleader for the rest of my life. 

Evans Data has put out a press release welcoming me to their team. You can also bookmark my DevRelate blog page where you will find timely information about developer programs, developer relations, best practices, developer news and other information. Whether you are a brick and mortar, online, hardware, software or services business, you need an active developer relations program to increase your bottom line revenue and customer satisfaction. You can find the full list of DevRelate service offerings here.



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