Technical Information Database
TI2203C.txt Convert Hex String to an Integer Value.
Category :General
Platform :All
Product :C/C++ All
This document provides a method to read hexadecimal numbers.
The atoi() function ignores the A-F digits in a hexadecimal
number. In fact, the first non-digit character in the string
passed to atoi() ends the conversion.
The following example converts a four-character text string that
represents a hexadecimal number into an integer. It can be used
as a template to create other ASCII-to-number conversions.
The example code defines a CC++ function called axtoi() that
does the conversion. It includes a short main() that to test the
int axtoi(char *hexStg) {
int n = 0; // position in string
int m = 0; // position in digit[] to shift
int count; // loop index
int intValue = 0; // integer value of hex string
int digit[5]; // hold values to convert
while (n 0x29 && hexStg[n] ='a' && hexStg[n] ='A' && hexStg[n] <<<<'s Evaluate|Modify. dialog you can and see how the ANDs,
ORs, and shifts work to find the value of each character in the
7/2/98 10:40:41 AM