There is a interesting increase in the instructive content available for RAD Studio recently, in particular for Delphi. There are new books being released frequently, whitepapers and videos, as well formal training courses, covering a myriad of topics from beginners to advanced users.
To celebrate the Delphi 27th anniversary, I’ve decide to create this blog and list all the content and resources that I could find. The idea is to keep this blog entry the most updated as possible, and you are invited to contribute: just add a comment with your learning resource suggestion and I will add it to the main blog.
The Resources List [ Updated on February 11th ]
- Helpful Delphi and C++ Resources for New Users
- Free Delphi eBooks and White Papers
- A curated list of Delphi books
- https://learndelphi.org/
- https://github.com/Embarcadero/FieldLogger-FMXTraining
- https://www.embarcaderoacademy.com/
- https://learndelphi.tv/
- http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/
- Delphi Programming at ThoughtCo
- Embarcadero YouTube Channel
- Embarcadero do Brasil YouTube Channel (Portuguese)
- Embarcadero Latinoamérica YouTube Channel (Spanish)
- https://alfasoft.science/en/events/category/embarcadero/
- https://www.onlinedelphitraining.com/
- https://www.udemy.com/topic/delphi/
- https://www.besanttechnologies.com/delphi-programming-training-in-bangalore
- https://thuliobittencourt.com/p/treinamentos (Portuguese)
- https://www.theknowledgeacademy.com/nz/courses/programming-training/introduction-to-delphi-programming/
- http://wp.99coders.com.br (Portuguese)
- https://emiliopm.com (Spanish)
- https://adrianosantostreina.com.br (Portuguese)
- https://embarcaderobr.com.br/cursos-oficiais (Portuguese)
- https://nohau.eu/courses/getting-started-delphi-mobile-app-development/
- https://apprendre-delphi.fr (French)
- Bootcamp Delphi (French)
- https://bookauthority.org/books/new-delphi-books
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