
Embarcadero launches Delphi Community Edition

The release of Delphi Community Edition is fantastic news for the Delphi language, the developer community, the partners, and the entire ecosystem. We hope it will help new developers (students, hobbyist, open source developers, and someone starting with mobile store publishing, among others) adopt Delphi for their Windows, Mac and mobile development. This new version is a big leap forward…
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A vulkan header generator for Delphi.

Author: Craig Chapman What is darkVulkanGen? A handful of months back, I began working on a game engine for Delphi named darkGlass. see: At that time I’d intended to write the rendering part of…

Learn to Program with Delphi Community Edition: Part 2 - Building and Debugging

In the first post we covered the installation of Delphi Community Edition. The best way to learn something is to start using it to build something useful, but not too complicated. Today we will start creating a “calculator” application that we will use as a vehicle to learn the basics of programming in Delphi. Understanding the IDE Probably the most important developer tool that programmers…
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Enabling GetIt Install Logs for RAD Studio Installation

At times, RAD Studio GetIt-based web installer stops with some fairly vague error message. These can be due to connectivity issues, odd file system configurations, lack of disk space, an existing partial install, and other causes. But some of the error messages like…

RAD Server 10.2.3 Performance Patch

Embarcadero has just released a performance patch for the RAD Studio 10.2.3 version of RAD Server, our REST-basedweb service hosting architecture. Getting The RAD Server Optimization Patch This patch is available at and…

Updated IBLite 2017 GetIt Package With License File

IBLite is the localversion of the InterBase database you canembed in your mobile and desktop applications. RAD Studio has full deployment support, so you can easily deploy the required file with your app, both for debug and for store deployment (see image below). IBLiteoffers more features and is a more robust mobile database compared to the commonly usedSQLite. It is also…
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Embarcadero's June 2018 Cool App Winner is MalyKangurek POS

Years ago I worked at a company that maintained a Point of Sale (POS) system written in Delphi. I wasn’t involved in that project (I was developing a medication management system for an assisted living facility), but talking with some of the developers that were working on it I learned that Delphi is very popular in many different vertical markets, specifically Point of Sale systems. So I’m…
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