We’re very pleased to release C++Builder and RAD Studio 11.1.5 ‘C++ Code Insight Update’. This is a quality release focused on C++ Code Insight and related features for C++.
Being tightly focused on C++, the 11.1.5 C++ Code Insight Update has no benefit for Delphi customers and we do not recommend Delphi customers to install it. Other than the C++ Code Insight changes, 11.1.5 is identical in features to 11.1. RAD Studio 11.1.5 is a full installation, and includes all hotfixes issued for 11.1.
11.1.5 contains a number of improvements and quality fixes for C++ developers using C++Builder and RAD Studio 11.1, including performance improvements, display of code completion results, improved navigation, as well as a variety of quality fixes including resolving an issue for users of the classic compiler, issues saving all files in a project, and more. There are also several new features, including handling multiple navigation destinations when Control-clicking on an identifier, delayed indexing to reduce CPU usage, and a third option for LSP Code Insight behavior which indexes all files in all projects. We recommend reading the documentation on configuring C++ Code Insight in order to tune its behavior for your projects and needs.
RAD Studio and C++Builder 11.1.5 C++ Code Insight Update can be downloaded from my.embarcadero.com, with both an online and an offline (ISO) install.
Note: when targeting iOS and using PAServer, you may need some manual configuration to assist PAServer to find Python. Please seee the ‘Additional Steps for Python Configuration on macOS‘ section in the 11.1 Patch 1 readme. (Because 11.1.5 includes all 11.1 patches, this readme’s post-patch steps are applicable.)
The 11.1.5 C++ Code Insight Update is a key release from Embarcadero, showing our dedication to C++ customers. We hope you find the improvements in it useful for your C++ development!
The C++Builder 11.1.5 C++ Code Insight Update splash screen. The RAD Studio version looks similar.
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CodeInsight never really worked in C++ Builder. I am currently working in C++ Builder 10.4.2 and have feeling that it is slightly worse than in XE8. I tested 11.1 this week but was disappointed. One showstopper was that form designer arbitrarily resized some panels in status bar by factor 1.25. This happened repeatedly so the result was panel width increased to several thousand pixels. Probably the reason is incorrect handling of high DPI. Also noticed in Task Manager more processes cquery.exe with total memory consumption around 5 GB. This is not problem because I have 32 GB memory but seems inadequate compared to size of project. Also noticed that CodeInsight parsing was interrupted several times and restart of IDE helped. After restart of IDE parsing began from beginning (not from last file already parsed). The C++ clang compiler in 11.1 is very slow so we continue using classic compiler in our projects.