The mobile landscape is constantly changing. iOS 13, which was released on September 19th, adds a system-wide Dark Theme.
Many software applications, including Delphi and C++Builder, now allow you to switch between a light and dark theme. Users who prefer to work at night or in low-light environments will benefit from dark themes.
When developing an app for iOS 13, developers can choose to support either light or light and dark application theming. When both are supported, end users can switch between themes at any time using the new iOS 13 system setting.
In RAD Studio 10.3.3*, we will offer Dark Theme support for our Delphi and C++Builder customers. This will include support for detecting the user’s iOS settings and automatically switching between the dark and light themes without requiring an application restart. Developers will also be able to limit their application UI to just the light theme if they wish, by adding a new key in Application > Version Info.
Shown: 10.3.3 Sugarloaf beta build with support for setting a custom key for iOS 13 light theme support
If a developer doesn’t specify the key in Version Info, customers will see either the dark or light theme, depending on the iOS setting on the user’s iOS 13 device. The enhanced support in 10.3.3 also extends to the system status bar, providing support for both themes.
In 10.3.3*, we’re introducing Dark Theme support for inbuilt FireMonkey controls on iOS. For developers using components such as TEdit and TSwitch that support native presentation on iOS alongside FMX style rendered controls (using the default platform style), the application UI will automatically get rendered with either the light or dark theme on iOS 13, depending on the end user’s iOS setting.
For 10.4*, we are considering adding an option in the IDE for switching between the light and dark themes at design time.
*Note: Features are not committed until completed and GA released.
Please note that 10.3.3 is currently in Beta and available to all Update Subscription customers. If you’re interested in joining the Beta, please contact your Embarcadero sales representative.
Shown: Address Book sample app deployed to an iPhone X series device using the 10.3.3 Sugarloaf beta, with both dark and light theme support
Customers on Update Subscription can join our 10.3.3 NDA beta, codenamed Sugarloaf, to try out our Dark Theme support in an upcoming beta build. We also provide a Eula waiver, allowing beta testers to submit iOS apps to the App Store with Dark Theme support, using the 10.3.3 beta.
Apple recently posted that come April 2020, both app updates and new apps will need to be built with the iOS 13 SDK and will need to support “the all-screen design of iPhone XS Max or later”.
Being on Subscription does not only give you access to the latest product releases as we continue to add and expand our platform support, add new features and quality improvements, but also gives you the opportunity to join our NDA beta program to get early access to what Embarcadero is working on.
Building for Android?
As of August 1st, 2019, applications in the Google Play Store must support 64-bit.
We worked with the Google Play Store team on an Android 32-bit extension for Delphi and C++Builder customers. This allows customers with existing Google Play Store apps to request an extension to the 64-bit requirement. Embarcadero customers can submit extension requests for Android 32-bit app updates to existing Google Play Store applications until October 1st, 2019. Once a request has been granted, customers can keep submitting updates to existing apps until August 2020.
In August, we published an updated Roadmap and plans for the Delphi Android 64-bit 10.3.3 beta.
- Google Play Store Android 32-bit Extension For Delphi and C++Builder Customers
- Additional information regarding requesting a Google Play Store extension
- August 2019 Delphi Android Beta Plans & August Roadmap Update
We’ve since kicked off the 10.3.3 Sugarloaf NDA beta which includes a Eula waiver, allowing developers to build Delphi Android 64-bit apps for the Google Play Store with the beta build. If you’re on Update Subscription and not part of the beta and would like to join, please contact your Embarcadero sales representative.
Shown: 10.3.3 Sugarloaf beta build with Android 64-bit support, targeting a Google Pixel device
Do you want to build an app for iOS and Android Try the Cross-Platform App Builder, which will assist you in developing apps in the Delphi or C++ environments.
Note: These plans and roadmap represent our intentions as of this date, but our development plans and priorities are subject to change. Accordingly, we can’t offer any commitments or other forms of assurance that we’ll ultimately release any or all of the described products on the schedule or in the order described, or at all. These general indications of development schedules or “product roadmaps” should not be interpreted or construed as any form of a commitment, and our customers’ rights to upgrades, updates, enhancements and other maintenance releases will be set forth only in the applicable software license agreement.
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