As you may have seen, we worked with the Google Play Store team on an Android 32-bit extension for Delphi and C++Builder customers. This allows customers with existing Google Play Store apps to request an extension to the 64-bit requirement.
Embarcadero customers can submit extension requests for Android 32-bit app updates to existing Google Play Store applications until October 1st, 2019. Once a request has been granted, customers can keep submitting updates to existing apps until August 2020.
I’m happy to report that many Embarcadero customers have already had their extension request granted.
After following the steps for requesting an extension, you will likely receive a follow-up email with questions from the Google Play Store team that you will need to answer as part of the extension request review process.
Since I have been getting emails from some of our customers on this, I wanted to provide some sample answers below to help customers.
“Reason for not being able to be compliant in time”
Delphi: My 32-bit Android application was built with Embarcadero Delphi and Delphi does not currently have 64-bit support.
C++Builder: My 32-bit Android application was built with Embarcadero C++Builder and C++Builder does not currently have 64-bit support.
“Any intention for offering 64-bit support in the future?”
Delphi: Assuming that you plan to provide an Android 64-bit version in the future, you can state that you plan to provide 64-bit versions of your Android Google Play Store applications once Delphi provides 64-bit support.
C++Builder: Assuming that you plan to provide an Android 64-bit version in the future, you can state that you plan to provide 64-bit versions of your Android Google Play Store applications once C++Builder provides 64-bit support.
“If yes, provide the specific plan on how you will become compliant, with an estimation date for building 64-bit support in the future”
Delphi: Assuming that you plan to provide 64-bit versions of your application, you could state that Embarcadero’s latest published roadmap and PM roadmap commentary blog post mentions a Delphi Android 64-bit beta this summer and plans for a Delphi release with Android 64-bit support in late 2019 at which point you intend to provide a 64-bit version of your Android application.
C++Builder: Assuming that you plan to provide 64-bit versions of your application, you could state that you’re planning on an upgrade in conjunction with an Embarcadero release of their 64-bit compiler for C++ to Android in 2020.
You should also indicate when you plan to offer a 64-bit version of your Android application in the Google Play Store.
Note: These plans and roadmap represent our intentions as of this date, but our development plans and priorities are subject to change. Accordingly, we can’t offer any commitments or other forms of assurance that we’ll ultimately release any or all of the described products on the schedule or in the order described, or at all. These general indications of development schedules or “product roadmaps” should not be interpreted or construed as any form of a commitment, and our customers’ rights to upgrades, updates, enhancements and other maintenance releases will be set forth only in the applicable software license agreement.
Embarcadero customers can submit extension requests for Android 32-bit app updates to existing Google Play Store applications until October 1st, 2019. Once a request has been granted, customers can keep submitting updates to existing apps until August 2020.
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