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A Birthday Present for Delphi at 23!

Author: Craig Chapman

I decided to write an app to celebrate Delphi’s 23rd birthday and valentines day.
Happy Birthday my beloved Delphi!

(Best Viewed Full Screen, Source and binary downloads below).

The binaries provided here are Debug builds, and should be considered an Alpha version.
I intend to put release builds on the app stores as time permits.

Present App and Desktop Source Code: Present
Present App for Android (APK): PresentApp
Present Desktop for Windows (64-bit): PresentDesktop32
Present Desktop for Windows (32-bit): PresentDesktop64

The following are un-tested binaries for Mac / iOS provided by Jim McKeeth (Thank you!)
Note: You may need to build from source in order to install on iOS, as I’m not sure you can side-load binaries.

Present Desktop for Mac OSX: PresentDesktopMAC
Present App for iOS: PresentApp_iOS

Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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